Our world is filled with numerous treasure troves. Some of which are created by Mother Nature where as some are the perfect exemplar of artistic skill of human beings. The artificial charms which are created by genius people all across the globe are mostly inspired by outstanding creations of Almighty. One such example is Under water Sculpture Park.
This Under Water Sculpture Park which was created by Jason De Caires Taylor is an awesome piece of modern world. This park is first of its kind. Jason De Caires Taylor, a graduate from Camberwell College of Art, London with a B.A.Honours in Sculpture and Ceramics.

Located at Moliniere Bay in Grenada, this
Underwater Sculpture Park showcases an intricate relationships between modern art and environment. This park was set up in May 2006 and possesses sculptures which are used to create artificial reefs. This artificial under water park resembles very well to original reefs of ocean.
To afford easy access by divers, snorkellers and those in glass-bottomed boats, the sculptures are cited in clear shallow waters.
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